Regenerative Farm Management and Advisory Services
What we do
We are market leaders in regenerative farming, successfully implementing our pragmatic and regenerative system at scale across the UK.
We leverage the experience we have developed over the last decade to support landowners' and farmers to profitably transition to farming practices tailored to the Wildfarmed standards.
We work with you to tailor solutions that best suit your farm, soils and available infrastructure.
Our services can be as comprehensive or as straightforward as you require.
Varying Levels of Management and Advisory Services:
Bespoke regenerative cropping and agronomy plans
Advice on environmental schemes and applications e.g. SFI, CSS
Recommendations on inputs and agronomy support
Budgeting and cash flow management
Full Farm Management
Contract Farming Agreement
Measurement and Monetisation of Natural Capital
Our Regenerative Farming System
Increases Profitability
Direct input costs are reduced by up to 65% compared with conventional farming, Increased income from Wildfarmed premium off-take agreement and Environmental Stewardship Schemes.
Restores Biodiversity
By introducing multiple plant species and minimising soil disturbance our system increases the biodiversity above and below ground.
Rebuilds Soil Health
Healthy soil can store as much as 3,750 tonnes of water per hectare, the equivalent of one and a half Olympic swimming pools.
Produces Nutrient Dense Food
Healthy soil leads to healthy humans. By creating healthy soil our farming system enhances the nutritional value of crops making more vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals available to the plants.
Can we produce food that restores and protects our soils at the same time?
Can we solve our health crisis by adding nutrients back into our food?
Can we do all of this in a commercially exciting way?
These were the questions at the heart of over a decade of experimentation by Wildfarming Co. co-founder Andy Cato. The result is a model which combines the best of nature with bespoke, precision technology to reintroduce biodiversity into our fields at scale.
Most importantly the system restores and protects the natural capital of your land, safeguarding its productive potential for future generations.
Restoring the soil for generations to come
Andy Cato — Wildfarming Co. Co-founder
Case Study: Kingsland Farm
In 2021 Wildfarming Co. entered into a five year Contract Farming Agreement (CFA) with the Waddesdon Estate for the management of the LLP’s 500 Ha Kingsland farm in Cambridgeshire. Prior to Wildfarming’s involvement, Kingsland had been conventionally farmed so it offered the perfect opportunity to demonstrate the capacity of regenerative practices to profitably restore biodiversity and soil health in the heart of UK arable country.
Kingsland Farm: 500 Ha Contract Farming Agreement with Waddesdon Estate LLP
Contact us
If you would like to find out more about our services and how we can work together in the future, please contact us: